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dc.contributor.authorДикань, Олена Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorКосінцева, П. Ю.-
dc.contributor.authorDykan, O. V.-
dc.contributor.authorKosintseva, P. Yu.-
dc.identifier.citationДикань О. В. Потенціал цифровізації підприємств як основа розвитку людського капіталу / О. В. Дикань, П. Ю. Косінцева // Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості. – 2023. – № 83. – С. 29-36.uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2075-4892(print); 2413-4892(online)-
dc.description.abstractUA: У статті встановлено, що розвиток цифрових технологій та становлення цифрової економіки створює принципово нову основу для формування та розвитку людського капіталу, а ідея існування нематеріальних активів, як особливої форми прояву людського капіталу підприємства, виходить на перший план. В існуючій парадигмі розвитку цифрової економіки перед підприємствами та державою виникають завдання з управління людським капіталом у нових умовах, з якими вони раніше не стикалися. Визначено, що загальна стратегія цифрового розвитку людського капіталу не дозволяє створити основу для повноцінного економічного зростання вітчизняних суб’єктів господарювання та потребує доопрацювання.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: The article establishes that the development of digital technologies and the formation of the digital economy creates a fundamentally new basis for the formation and development of human capital, and the idea of the existence of intangible assets as a special form of manifestation of human capital of the enterprise comes to the fore. In the existing paradigm of Digital Economy Development, Enterprises and the state face the challenges of managing human capital in New conditions that they have not previously faced. They are: the gap between business needs and the qualifications of the available workforce is becoming a key challenge for businesses. More and more businesses are realizing that it is no longer enough to rely solely on the professional knowledge and experience of employees; the spread of automation and artificial intelligence allows you to abandon human labor where routine compliance with algorithms or mediation between systems is required. This leads to an increase in the potential for expanding human labor, when technology does not replace, but complements a person; expanding the set of tasks within traditional professions related to the realities of the world of digital technologies: working with big data, online communication, programming, website and application development lead to the formation of completely new positions; the lack of a human capital management strategy in the digital economy development paradigm at the enterprise, so, despite the obvious advantages of using artificial intelligence in business, not all enterprises have developed a strategy for working with it in the "human-production" system; the emergence of new forms of Labor Organization in enterprises: the transition from clearly defined positions in the enterprise to project work, since work processes will rely more on specific projects than on functions; the decentralization of operations, since Enterprises demonstrate the intention to attract thirdparty specialists to projects, to work more with remote employees outside of physical offices; the need for continuing education as a guarantee of the competitiveness of the enterprise, which is the basis for the development of technologies that allow supporting the exchange and dissemination of knowledge created by employees throughout the business, as well as the need for social training within the team, when the exchange of experience and knowledge takes place in the process of team Organization of work; the presence of social changes that occur as a result of the development of technologies leads to an increase in the life expectancy and period of economic activity of people, as a result, this leads to the spread of different age groups in the sphere of work and social and Labor Relations, in which age does not always correlate with experience. It is determined that the overall strategy of digital development of human capital does not allow creating a basis for full-fledged economic growth of domestic business entities and needs to be finalized.-
dc.publisherУкраїнський державний університет залізничного транспортуuk_UA
dc.subjectлюдський капіталuk_UA
dc.subjectпотенціал зростанняuk_UA
dc.subjectекономічний розвитокuk_UA
dc.subjecthuman capitaluk_UA
dc.subjectgrowth potentialuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic developmentuk_UA
dc.titleПотенціал цифровізації підприємств як основа розвитку людського капіталуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeDigitalization of enterprises as a potential for human capital developmentuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 83

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